Harris Workingman’s Store

Harris Workingman's Store
Harris Workingman's Store

While watching the building housing Vocelli Pizza burn I noticed this old sign painted to the side of the building. I asked around and found that for many years Harris Workingman’s (spelling?) Store was located here. Do any readers have more information about the store? What kind of merchandise did they sell? When did it open for business, when did it close? Who owned it? Do you have any memories or experiences related to the store that you would like to share? The building has since been torn down.

5 thoughts on “Harris Workingman’s Store

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  1. As I remember, Harris Workingman’s Store was like a small Sears store. They carried everything from tools to shoes to clothes.

    Woolworths was across Main Street of the other side.


  2. I remember it as a clothing store. Bill Granoto of Donora worked there or perhaps owned the business.


  3. Harris Workingman’s stores were a chain of many (don’t know how many) started by the Harris family of Pittsburgh. A Harris daughter’s husband owned the Carnegie, PA store. They lived next door to me in Carnegie. Great people! I called them Aunt Sadie and Uncle Harry. Got my first Levi’s there. Most of the steel workers and railroaders shopped there, on West Main Street across from the Carnegie National Bank (later the Mellon Bank).


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